Monday 4 September 2017

Quick write- Mexico

Surrounded by tall white buildings and clear blue water, I took my first dive into the sea of unknown. Turtle, fish and sting rays all circled around my feet forcing waves towards me. With open eyes I saw the sea life that lives below, only to be seen during the day. Crabs biting my feet and fish blowing bubbles that floated to the top.

With long aching arms and fluttering feet, I kicked my way back to the shinning kayaks.

Pinches of food dropped to the sea creatures as they all swam towards it fighting for the next bite. The sun Gleamed off the white buildings and lit up the water like lights. I paddled back to shore with water falling like droplets onto my face. The sounds of stingrays following behind me rang in my ear as I slowly drifted across the sea. Water flew off me as I took a step onto the white beaches of Mexico.


For one of the friendship thinkers keys we had to write an acrostic poem about friends or friendship. An acrostic poem is when you use the letter of the word to create other words that relate to the topic. I chose the word friends to make my poem and I am really proud of it.


                You can Find them anywhere
       T heir always Really nice
Work together with Intelligence
             Helpfull to Eachother
                              Not always perfect
                              Dividing what they win

                   Friend S forever

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Persuasive writing

The best season

Do you have a favorite season? Do you enjoy hot chocolates in Winter or falling leaves in Autumn? The majority would choose Summer, it might be because of the beach, or the endless ice cream. In the end, we all have to agree, summer is the best time of the year.

The first reason is that summer brings some really good days. A good day makes you want to be productive and do something outside. It could be exercise, a walk, or just getting things done. Not only does the sun mean it's a good day, but it also gives you vitamin D and keeps you healthy and more energetic

In summer people feel happier and find things more enjoyable. This is because of all the sun and interesting things you can do change peoples moods. In other seasons it can rain and make you feel sad and less productive, but the bright days in summer can lift your mood.

The third reason why summer is the best season is because of all the things it comes with. In summer it's warm enough to go to the beach, surf, eat ice-cream, swim, play outside and do things with family. Most of these are memories children have forever and that makes them look forward to summer even more.

Summer is a season that can be enjoyed by all and bring smiles to peoples faces. Not only is warm and sunny but it's a time to create memories with friends and family. This season always brings good weather and ice-cream always tastes better in the summer sun.

Be a curiosity student

Tuesday 13 June 2017


Today we used the website tinkerCAD. Its a website where you can create 3d pictures and even 3d print them if you want. I made a rooster with Maia and it only took 10 minutes. It was very fun and I know roosters don't lay eggs but I felt like the rooster needed something extra.

Monday 29 May 2017


Tene koutou Katoa,

Ko Rongokako toku maunga

Ko Tuki Tuki toku awa

No Hastings ahau

Kei hastings toku kainga inaianei

Ko Havelock North Intermediate toku kura

Ko Byers toku whanau

Ko Garrett toku matua

Ko Beth toku whaea

Ko kyra toku ingoa

No reira tena kaotou tena kautou tena tatau katoa

Friday 12 May 2017

Makey Makey

For Makey Makey, my group created a piano. We connected the clips to tinfoil and placed those on the ground as our piano keys. I learn how easy it is and that you could do it anywhere if you wanted. Next time I would like to try something more complicated that even more people can play at the same time. Make Makey works by using a panel connected to your computer that has clips attached. You use energy from your body by holding the clips and touching the person with the earth clip. The earth clip controls everything. I really enjoyed it and would love to make an even bigger scale piano.

Monday 10 April 2017

Describe a place

Riversdale Beach

Hot burning sand stings your feet. A swift and relaxing breeze catches your hair and flicks it to the side. The blare of a seagull flying past rings in your ear, as you glance at the clear blue ocean. Rows of waves crash down on each other, while the sun glows in the distance. Sand dunes filled with tall thin grass, cover the land. Sea shells act like a blanket over the entire beach.  The laughter of children echoes down the bright beach for miles.

The taste of your ice-cream lingers at the tip of your tongue as you go in for another bite. Sand explodes into your eyes while the sun shelters behind the horizon. The sound of waves gets fainter and fainter as day turns into night. Breathtaking views of the sunset glisten in your eyes as the beach goes to sleep.

Monday 3 April 2017

In the box

In the box lives a baby polar bear.
In the box the polar bear plays with the black jaguar.
In the box, the mother bear cuddles her babys.
The box is visious jungle, waiting to be explored.

In the box there is meatloaf.
In the box the butter chicken flows over the plate.
In the box the ice-cream melts after feeling the heat of the sun.
The box is filled to the brim with flavour and taste.

In the box is Olivia.
In the box Olivia tackles Jess to the ground as Maia laughs.
In the box Sophia and Kyra laugh over nothing .
The box holds a group of friends that mysteriously found eachother.

In the box is netball.
In the box is sore feet and strapping galore.
In the box feet scurrie around the court.
The box is netball, a game for the best.

In the box is the mountains.
In the box is the smeel of fresh air and the breeze on your face.
In the box rocks fall as I walk up the path.
The box is a destination waiting to be discovered.

In the box is the sun.
In the box is a bright sunny day ready to be lived.
In the box sits laughter and love as the day goes on.
The box is an adventure lived to its fullest.

In the box is the ocean.
In the box is the sound of waves crashing down.
In the box is the hot summer sun burning the sand.
The box is a relaxing summer day with the sting of the sand.

In the box is family.
In the box I feel safe and loved.
In the box we care for eachother.
The box is a safe and happy place for me to relax.

In the box is music.
In the box the music drifts slowly to my ears.
In the box sits speakers blasting out my music.
The box is music that relates to me.

The box is me

Thursday 30 March 2017


Today in class we made holograms. Holograms are light reflected off a surface to make it look like the picture is moving. We used clear plastic to create boxes around our phones so we could do it ourselves. We found that if the box was pushed back more the picture was higher and it worked better in the dark. Here are some photos we got from today.

Describe a person writing

When I walked inside I could smell her baking. The smell drifted to the front door and circled aroud me like a tornado. I was greeted with a big warm hug and a sloppy grandma kiss on the cheek. Outside of the windows I could see her colourful garden full of roses and petals. She always keeps it in perfect condition. As I slowly  walked into her kitchen I saw a plate of biscuits she had set out waiting for my arival. She always took great care of me, even though she knew she didn’t have too.

I made my way to her couch as the hot air flowed threw her sliding doors. The smell of her perfume got stronger and stronger. Her smile glowed like the sun. bright and cheerful.  I got comfortable as grandma talked away. We always had the best talks about friends and family, even though I dont know most of them. Her soft voice always calmed me down and helped me relax. We would talk for hours until there was nothing else to talk about.

When I leave her house she always waves goodbye. She comes outside with her fluffy slippers on and one of her colourful skirts. Her hair up like it always is and her glasses hiding her shimmering brown eyes. When I leave grandmas house I always think about coming back again and all there will be to talk about.

Shes always proud of me. Everything I do lights a spark in her eye. When I try my best I do it for my grandma so i’ll have something to tell her. If I fail at anything she never gets angry at me, she tells me that theres always next year. Thats why I  tell my grandma everything because she always knows what to say.

My grandma does everything by herself. She never asks for help with anything and it always works for her. She does everything by herself and does it without a flinch. At the age or 83 its hard to do many things but it never lets it hold her back. She drives everywhere and looks after herself. My grandma is the kind of person I want to be when I grow up.

Wednesday 29 March 2017


Here are some things that I am grateful for in my life!

  • My family, because they help me with everything and always want me to succeed.
  • My friends, because I enjoy hanging out with them and they always make me smile.
  • My health, because I am happy to just be alive
  • Oxygen, because it keeps me alive and going
  • Food and water, because I wouldn't live without them
  • My teachers because they keep me educated and give me all the knowledge I need
  • My freedom, because I can do anything I want with my life

Accountability comic

Thursday 8 December 2016

Final presentation

This is my final presentation for the emergency light I made in tech this term. I used 9 lights to light up my picture. I had fun making this but I did mess up a few times.

Friday 2 December 2016

Dream Bedroom

In extension maths we have all been working on a project in groups of 2. I was working with Jess. The project is to make a dream bedroom using nets and a scale. We had to incorporate nature into our design and we did that by having a wood wall and wood floor. The scale we used was 4.5cm:1m. Before we could finish we had to have the volume and area of 4 different nets. The other day we finally finished our dream bedroom. We wrote down our conclusion and we are going to hand it in today. Jess and I have really enjoyed working together and I think we spent the most time on the small toilet that made no difference.

Friday 25 November 2016

Dream bedroom

For the past term in extension maths we have all been working on dream bedroom. You have to create a room on a piece of cardboard using measurement and scale. We also have to have made at least 4 nets as that is what we have been working on this term. I have been working with Jess and we are starting to make the furniture. Yesterday we decided to make beanbags with balloons and fluff but only one worked and the rest failed. We also found some pom poms in the backroom and thought that the room would look better with them. We now have pom poms all around the room. We have used many different pieces of paper to create the bed, sink, basin and shower. At the moment we are working on the ensuite and it is taking us quite a long time. I am so happy I got to work with Jess because we work well together and there are a lot of funny moments.

Monday 21 November 2016


Today we are starting to make our lights. This is the image that is going to be on the front. I chose this image because I like the patterns and the look of the elephant.
Related image

Friday 18 November 2016


A few days ago in tech we practiced soldering. Soldering is when you connect things with metal liquid that turns into a solid after a few seconds. I have had a lot of fun soldering and I think I am getting better every week. The other day we connected wires to a piece of copper tape. We were aloud to connect them however we wanted to make it as unique as possible. I soldered the wires so that they went through each other but I soon found out I had no room for another wire. When I tried to put it on it fell off so I decided just to stick with 2 wires. I am enjoying tech and i hope to get better at soldering.

Thursday 10 November 2016


Last Friday we spent the day doing athletics. I went around the different sports with the rest of the Hillary girls. Some of the sports included shot put, 100m sprint, 200m sprint, discus, high jump, long jump, Vortex and a rest in between. I enjoyed all of the sports and had heaps of fun going around with the Hillary girls. 

I was in the competitive team for 100m sprint, 200m sprint and high jump. I wasn't going to try my hardest in the sprints as I wanted to do well in high jump. High jump ended up being the last thing we did. When we got to high jump I jumped every measurement in my first go until I got to 1.25 m. 1.25 m was the highest I jumped and my personal best. I came second to Kiana who jumped 1.30m

Vortex was my favourite sport to do. I got 3 points for every vortex I threw and finished with 9 points. Athletics was better than I expected and I cant wait until next year.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Science badge

Over the past term, me and 3 of my friends have been working on a science badge. To get a science badge you have to do task that all have a certain amount of points. Once you have collected a total of 20 points, you will get your badge. There are many types of badges that you can work for. The one we are working on is the sports badge. So far I have 18 points out of 20 and I only have one more task to do. It has taken a lot of determination, and hard work to finish this science badge. After we finish this one we are planning on completing the food science badge.

Thursday 27 October 2016


For the past 3 weeks we have been training for athletics, that will be held on Friday the 4th of November. For the first week we did high jump. Many kids in our class surprised us by how high they can jump. In the end I cleared 1 m 20 cm, and got my back over 1 m 25 cm. The next thing I need to learn is to lift my legs after I get my back over.

The next activity we did was sprints. On the first day we practiced 100 m. I came first in my race with a time of 15.62 seconds. From doing sprints I learnt that your are meant to run on the balls of your feet, and use your arms all the time to gather speed.

This week we have been working on long jump. I haven't enjoyed long jumps as much as the others, but I still love landing in the sand. I jumped a total of 3 times and every time it got 2.70 m. I learnt about extending your legs to bet them as far as possible. My next goal is to beat 2.70.

So far I have been enjoying athletics and I hope I get into a category for the competition.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Tech term 4

I need a torch in my Emergency Kit. I'm going to learn about simple circuits and use the tech process to design and make one for my bedroom.
Image result for get ready get thru

Thursday 15 September 2016

Art Assignment

Over the last few weeks I have been working on an art assignment. The art assignment is a document with 52 different pieces of art to create. I have completed 10 and have 42 to go.  The first piece of art was a line drawing coloured with black vivid.

My favorite piece of art to do was an arrow drawing.

One thing I learn while doing the art assignment was shading. I learnt were you shade and how dark each spot should be. I have really enjoyed doing this, but I still have a long way to go.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Anna Grimaldi

This week we did a project on a paralympian. I chose Anna grimaldi, a young New Zealander. She has limb deficiency which means she has no right hand. This very hard for her as she could never catch a ball as a kid. Her parents have helped her to achieve her dream. She is a track and field competitor, and she is competing in the paralympics this year. I never knew how many paralympians New Zealand have, and we have quite a few. Anna Grimaldi is an inspiring person and I wish to be like her when I am older.

Wednesday 24 August 2016


Today our class made some blabberizes. These are pictures that have moving mouths, that you then talk out of. We had a bit too much fun doing this and you should give it a try as well!

Friday 12 August 2016

Rio olympic project

For the past 2 week in extension maths we have been working on an olympic project. I worked with Maia, and we had lots of fun working together. There were 3 tasks we had to complete. For task 1 we had to write a letter explaining how many seats each country would get. Then for the next task we had to write a report explaining where the 2032 olympics will be held, and the changes we would have to make. We decided that we would let Australia hold the 2032 olympics. For the last task, we wrote a newsletter about Australia holding the olympics. It took a long time to finish it all and we hope you enjoy!

Rio Olympics
“ Live your passion “

To New Zealand Olympic Squad,

We are writing to inform you about the arrangements of your seating.  There will be 199 seats for all of your participating athletes. You also have an additional 184 seats for your countries supporters.  This will also be the arrangements whilst the opening and closing ceremony. The bigger countries will have the same amount of seats for supporters and the athletes all have their own.  These are all the seating arrangement and if you have  questions feel free to ask.

There are 10,293 athletes confirmed and there shall be 10, 500 expected. So make sure you have all of your athletes confirmed. Enjoy your stay and good luck for the future.


Maia Bassett & Kyra Byers

How we worked this out:

  • First we found the name of the stadium so we could research on it.
  • We then found out the number of seats in the whole stadium.
  • Next we went to the page that tells us how many countries are going.
  • Then, we divide the number of seats by the number of countries. (78,838 ÷ 206 )
  • That gave us how many chairs that each country got. ( 383 )
  • To find out how many chairs New Zealand had, we then had to find out how many athletes New Zealand had going. ( 199 )
  • So from there, we took away the number of athletes to the number of seat which gave us a total of 184 seats left.
  • So that would mean that there would be 199 seats for the athletes and 184 seats for all of the supporters and family.

Population, 26 million

Olympics 2032 report

The 2032 olympic games have been confirmed that they will be held in Australia. Australia is a great place to hold the olympics as they have many stadiums already built. They may have to build some stadiums for specific sports but that won't affect anything. Here is a list of all the stadiums being used.

Melbourne Cricket Ground                                         Stadium Australia
Docklands Stadium                                                     Adelaide Oval
Lang Park                                                                    Football Park
Sydney Cricket Ground                                               Sydney Football Stadium
Subiaco Oval                                                               The Gabba
Kardinia Park                                                              Hunter Stadium
Melbourne Rectangular Stadium                               Carrara Stadium
Robina Stadium                                                          Willows Sports Complex
Brisbane Exhibition Ground                                       Canberra Stadium
Sydney Showground Stadium                                    WACA
Ballymore Stadium                                                     Wollongong Showground
Brookvale Oval                                                           Leichhardt Oval
Penrith Stadium                                                         Norwood Oval
Kogarah Oval                                                             Endeavour Field
Parramatta Stadium                                                  York Park
Campbelltown Stadium                                             Perth O

There will be an additional price of 1.5 billion dollars for an extra opening and closing stadium. Either way, Australia is a great place to hold the olympics as it has heaps of space and some great venues. Not to mention the great weather they get. The rowers are going to be very happy with the weather conditions as the water will not be rough, it will be nice and still.

Bay News

Do you want the gold?
Rio olympics 2016, ‘live your passion’
Image result for rio olympics
By Maia and Kyra on August 9
The olympics are coming up and we are more than ready! I mean, who doesn't want to win? As you read this olympic athletes are piling into their rooms and taking a glimpse of their playing ground. The venues this year are amazing and it's going to be one to remember.